Be a Better Leader: Here are some tips
Becoming a good leader is all about honing a few skills that sharpen managerial skills. I strongly believe that every individual has the potential to grow into an effective leader. All you need is thorough guidance. You need to keep certain aspects in mind if you wish to establish your career as a manager.
I think following the below-mentioned tips, which even the top 10 business leaders of the market abide by, can prove to be impactful for you. I suggest you keep the following aspects in mind and practice these regularly to hone your managerial skills.
Understand Your Leadership Type
All fruits are good for health, but each tastes different and comes with a variety of nutrients. Similarly, all managerial tasks are essential but require different skills. You, as an individual, will have some strengths and some weaknesses for sure. Your first task would be to identify your areas of strength and shortcomings.
I believe this will help you understand your requirements better. If you knew where you lack, you would be in a better position to figure out what you need to learn. I recommend that you comprehend your leadership patterns and work on improving the same to become one of the top business leaders in India.
Excel In Communication
I can’t even think of a leader who is not a good orator. Can you think of leaders with faulty communication skills? Surely no! Hence, make sure to hone your communication skills as much as possible. A good orator is always someone who easily gains the attention of the listeners.

Hence, with good communication skills, you will be able to convince your teammates, clients, and senior managers easily. Also, it is an excellent communication skill that adds value to the words spoken by a manager. No matter if you are a manager in an FMCG or a travel company, you need quality communication skills to be a top leader at any time.
Be a Doer
I have seen plenty of managers instructing without doing. This process does not go a long way in making the manager one of the top businessmen in India. It is only the doers whom the people follow and consider as the leaders.

If you have the ambition to become one of the best leaders, make sure to lead by example. Instead of telling others what to do, do it yourself, and the rest will follow you. I suggest you be a pioneer and lead the rest of the people to achieve their goals. If you want your team to be disciplined, follow the discipline strictly. Your teammates will automatically become disciplined.
Listen More Than You say
Communication skill is not all about expressing your thoughts and delivering instructions. I believe one of the most important components of communication remains listening. Hence, if you wish to be one of the most impactful leaders, you need to be a good listener. Listen to your clients to understand what they expect from a project.

Listen to your teammates to understand their evens and odds. Listen to your seniors to comprehend what they have to suggest to you. Wise people say that when we speak, we say what we already know. But when we listen, we learn new things. And, in my opinion, good leaders must be dedicated learners. Hone your listening skills, and you will surely be one of the top leaders in the country in the future.
Sharpen Your Technical Skills
I don’t think that any managerial positions in the future will allow for managers without updated technical skills. The world is already getting ruled by technology, and in the coming years, its hold on operations will only increase. Hence, technically skilled managers would be the demand of the day in the near future.

I suggest that you hone your technical skills today. This will add to your already existing set of managerial skills. Businesses of all sizes depend on technology for daily operations these days. Especially with the COVID pandemic setting new rules for the business world, technology will be more critical in the coming years.
Therefore, I strongly recommend that you get enrolled for a course or training to upgrade your technical skills today to be a fitting resource for the future world.
Inspire and Stay Positive
If the manager would not be positive, would the team act positively? I have seen plenty of teams failing to perform optimally just because the managers failed to keep the team motivated. Success cannot be the only outcome of all the tasks. Failure also remains integral to business projects and tasks. Here comes the importance of managers.
Leaders lead the way when the team fails to achieve a goal. With an encouraging, positive, and inspiring leader, a team can overcome any challenge or failure at any time. If you wish to be one of the top leaders, I suggest you be a positive thinker and motivator.
Offer Rewards and Recognitions
The team always seeks appreciation from the leaders to perform with more enthusiasm. Innovative ideas must get the accolade, and outstanding efforts must receive rewards. If you would not offer rewards and recognition to your team, your teammates will never feel motivated enough to put in their best for any task any further.
I know people who often go beyond their capabilities to justify the faith their managers put in them. A little appreciation would only make these people all more dedicated and committed to their task, which, in turn, would help you manage your task.

When it comes to becoming one of the top business leaders of India, ODDY Uniwraps offers extensive opportunities. However, these are some of the easy ways to cope with ways I recommend sharpening your leadership skills.
A leader is always someone whom the rest imitate. Hence, try to be as perfect as possible so that the entire organization runs optimally and flawlessly. Always remember that leadership is not a one-way road. It is a collaborative effort that needs every leader to be professionally impeccable and empathetic towards the team members.